So, Woland can be good? or has he always been good. He's rewarding Margarita, for passing the test. What was the test? was the test selfishness when asked what she wanted? He forgives Varenukha, sending him home. He brings the Master to Margarita, gives him some sort of healing drink. But, giving mercy to Frieda was not up his alley, and belonged to another department, perhaps the one God is in? They work for the same broad objective, but with different methods and maybe intentions? When Margarita felt embarrassed of her nakedness I immediately though EVE!...unfortunately that is all I thought. I couldn't find any difference between when she was comfortable being naked (pure non-apple-eating Eve) and when she was ashamed of being naked (sin!). What is the purpose of having Annushka steal the horseshoe, if she's going to give it back by the end. Yes, perhaps she has seen some amazing feats of flying through windows, and a naked woman carrying luggage down the stairs; however, because she has no proof not even the horseshoe now, no one would believe her if she tried to explain anyway. Perhaps she exhibits the average person's weakness for money and value. For example, when she picks up the horseshoe, her "eyes burned with a wolf-like fire" (309). That description simply sounded very savage to me, as if this was the human nature, for our eyes to glaze over from greed. Also, what happened to the Master? I might've missed something, but I thought they were going to live happily ever after now. But, all she wants to do is read the Pontius Pilate novel. When she gets back to the place in Arbat, the Master isn't even mentioned, and she sits there kissing and admiring the book. Yehuda of Kerioth is Judas I believe. However, I'm a little unclear as to this killing of Judas, because he hangs himself out of guilt. Also, where did Pontius Pilate get the information that he would be killed? He sounds fishy when he doesn't cite his sources. What would saving Judas do for Pontius Pilate? Would he be rewarding him for turning Jesus in? I had a feeling that Pontius Pilate didn't want Jesus to be the one who was executed.
-Apricot Soda
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